lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015


La lista de logros deportivos de Nina Djordjevič es cuando menos extensa. Descubrió su talento en el salto de longitud a la edad de 9 años cuando empezó a entrenar con un equipo de atletismo. ¡Nina había nacido para ello!

Su rendimiento en los encuentros de pista sorprendió gratamente y sin darse casi cuenta se encontró compitiendo en las finales del Campeonato del Mundo Juvenil. Antes de recibir una beca completa para el equipo de atletismo de la Universidad Estatal de Kansas, Nina ganó la medalla de bronce en salto de longitud en los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud.

Su éxito sigue creciendo y son tantos sus logros en salto de longitud que resulta complicado contarlos:

  • Finales en salto de longitud en el Campeonato de Europa de Atletismo de Zúrich, 2014
  • 12º puesto en el Campeonato de Europa en pista cubierta de Praga, 2015
  • Campeona nacional en Eslovenia en salto de longitud
  • 4º puesto en el campeonato de la NCAA
  • 2 veces seleccionada como mejor deportista amateur
  • Medalla de plata en la Big 12 conference championships (Campeonato Universitario en los EEUU)
  • Ostenta el récord en salto de longitud en la Universidad Estatal de Kansas
  • Mejor estudiante-atleta en la Universidad Estatal de Kansas, 2011
  • Primer equipo de mejores estudiantes-atletas en los EEUU

Nina conoció los productos Synergy por medio de una amiga que confió en los productos para que le ayudaran a ponerse en forma después del embarazo. Como su amiga es doctora, Nina decidió que también podía confiar en esos productos. Empezó tomando los productos V3 System - ProArgi-9+, Mistify y Phytolifey comenta que no tardó mucho en darse cuenta de que los productos estaban repercutiendo positivamente en su salud.

Ahora ella confía plenamente en e9 y ProArgi-9+, pues agradece que ambos productos le aporten los suplementos energéticos en caso de necesidad a la vez que mejoran su salud general con ingredientes de gran calidad. Mistify y Phytolife son también alimentos básicos en su rutina de salud diaria ya que sus potentes ingredientes contribuyen a su bienestar general. Aunque se esté recuperando de una lesión en el pie, Nina continúa tomando los productos de forma regular como ayuda en el proceso de recuperación.

En definitiva, Nina aspira a competir en los Juegos Olímpicos y en el Campeonato del Mundo en pista cubierta dejando que los productos Synergy jueguen un papel importante para llevarla hasta allí.


On a surprisingly cold and windy day in Tempe, Ariz., 51-year-old Synergy Team Member Xavier Marin plunged into Tempe Town Lake with hundreds of elite athletes to compete in his first IRONMAN triathlon in 10 years.

“The start of the swim is crazy for everyone,” Xavier said. “There is so much anxiety, so much energy. People are grabbing each other. When I finished the swim I couldn't wait to get on my bike. I felt strong when I was biking and steady when I was running.”

Thirteen hours and 11 minutes after he took off from the starting line, Xavier triumphantly crossed the IRONMAN Arizona finish line, which means he swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran 26.2 miles. Racers aren’t allowed any outside support, including headphones, which makes completing an IRONMAN both a mental and physical fete., The 6 ½ pounds Xavier lost on race day proves it.

Despite the sleet and rain, Xavier was able to keep the pace he maintained in the half Ironman he completed a few months before. He was even able to shave two hours off of his best time, proving that optimal health is attainable at any age. As a public speaker, life coach, general contractor, and father of two, Xavier knows how to take action to bring a vision to life.

“It was a year ago that I committed myself to be in my best shape of my life,” Xavier said. “I’ve been in great shape in the past, but I wasn’t into nutrition. I trained through the year with SLMsmart Health Shake, ProArgi-9+, ProArgi-9+ Active, the V3 System, and e9.”

  In his late 40s, Xavier said he was slower than he had ever been and figured old age was beginning to set in. When Xavier began taking Synergy products, he discovered improved endurance, the energy to push his body to go faster, and a timely recovery after training, which led him to believe that he was missing key nutritional elements in earlier training.

It was high priority that Xavier packed e9, ProArgi-9+, and ProArgi-9+ Active for race day. He took ProArgi-9+ Active and e9 before the race and then ProArgi-9+ and e9 once every three hours throughout the 13-hour stint.

“The body is an amazing thing,” Xavier said, “you just have to take care of it. Mentally, people start telling themselves they are getting older. Before the race, people were asking, ‘are you sure you can get this done?’ And I told them there is no way I’m not going to get it done.”

Xavier will add his Ironman victory to the many stories he uses to inspire others to take action on the things they want out of life. If you are an athlete that wants a cutting edge, Synergy will help you sustain, endure, and recover.

“Now, I really want to get the word out there to athletes about Synergy products,” Xavier said. “It has always been marketed to people with ailments, but it can actually provide real and impactful benefits to serious and recreational athletes. If you are an athlete that wants a cutting edge, Synergy will help you sustain, endure, and recover.”

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

ProArgi-9+ . Clinically Studied, Scientifically Validated

These findings support the use of ProArgi-9+ for optimal heart health. Additionally, thousands of people around the world have put ProArgi-9+ to the test and have experienced a broad spectrum of benefits.

Clinically Studied, Scientifically Validated 
Scientists at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation have made several remarkable discoveries on Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ formula, showing that ProArgi-9+ can do what l-arginine cannot do on its own. Following these discoveries, a provisional patent has been filed in the United States to ensure that Synergy maintains exclusive rights to this iconic formula. 

Dr. Matthew Tripp, the company’s Chief Scientific Officer who oversees the Hughes Center clinics, shared some insights into their discoveries: 

“Numerous studies have shown the cardiovascular benefits of l-arginine. However, our preliminary in vitro and human studies showed that the unique combination of ingredients in our ProArgi-9+ formula enhances the effects of L-arginine within the body in several ways.

The body converts the amino acid l-arginine into nitric oxide to support healthy circulatory and cardiovascular function. Although l-arginine alone can increase the surrogate marker of saliva nitric oxide, this is a gradual process. In testing ProArgi-9+, it has been found that its formula significantly and rapidly increases the level of nitric oxide in the body.

The findings of this study are significant because other studies show that aging and poor diet can affect the metabolic systems responsible for producing nitric oxide, causing them to work less effectively. Healthy nitric oxide levels are important for proper vasodilation, along with blood pressure, muscle, heart and central nervous system function*.

Previous studies have shown that l-arginine, by itself, has no significant effect on myeloperoxidase, an enzyme that inhibits nitric oxide production. Additionally, l-arginine has no significant influence on inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. The Hughes Center’s preliminary study discovered that the unique combination of ingredients found in Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ potently inhibited myeloperoxidase and helps to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

For more information CLICK HERE